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Butt Treatment

35 minutes @ $65.00

This service helps with discoloration and texture of skin comes with cleanse, exfoliation, treatment mask, toner, and lightening cream. Steam is included

 Back Facial 

35 minutes @ $65.00


Back Facials are a must have! Very Relaxing, It is way of exfoliating an area that you cannot get to on your own, including Cleanse, exfoliation, hot towels, back massage, masque, toner, body butter, and SPF

Vagina Steam

40 minutes @ $45.00 

A combination of essential herbs that work to nourish, tone, and heal the vagina.

Vagina Facial

30 minutes @ $65.00

Includes cleanse, exfoliation, extractions, masque, toner, and lightening cream.


Detox Blanket 


     45 minutes @$60.00

The detox (sauna) blanket burns 400-600 calories, helps lose pounds and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Improves blood circulation, Detoxifies the body by letting it sweat out fat and toxin and looses the muscles and relaxes the body.

*Seaweed Mask Applied*


385 Country Club Dr. Suite B Stockbridge, GA 30281



Phone: 678-759-0372


*By Appointment Only*

Sunday and Monday: CLOSED

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